Meme NFTs
The "X Akamaru Inu" ecosystem introduces a collection of unique meme-themed NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). These NFTs represent digital assets that users can collect, trade, and showcase, each featuring humorous and captivating meme designs.
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Mint NFTs:
Rarity: Legendary
Quantity: 20
Privileges: Counselor of X Akamaru Inu; will be able to give an opinion on Project decisions; participate in meetings on private group; 4 Whitelist wallets for upcoming projects linked to X Akamaru Inu.
Minimum Tokens Hold: 20.000 AKA
Value: $1.000,00
Rarity: Epic
Quantity: 100
Privileges: Supporter of the X akamaru project; private group (with the Legendary NFTs group) will be able to participate in the meetings without giving an opinion; Entitled to 2 Whitelist wallets in next projects.
Minimum Tokens Hold: 7.000 AKA
Value: $500,00
Rarity: Rare
Quantity: 250
Privileges: 1 Whitelist wallet for the next project linked to X Akamaru Inu, earn $75 in tokens after 15 days.
Minimum Tokens Hold: 3.000 AKA
Value: $300.00
Rarity: Common
Quantity: 630
Privileges: Compete for 150 Whitelists for the next project linked to X Akamaru Inu; Earn $20 worth of tokens after 15 days.
Minimum Tokens Hold: 0 AKA (Not necessary)
Value: $75.00
Last updated